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Walkeringham Primary School

Think Smart, Be Kind

School Priorities 2023-24

Our priorities for this academic year have been developed as a staff team and in collaboration with our governors. They form the main focus of our school development plan and take into consideration the impact and added pressures of Covid 19, as well as the areas we want to develop further as a school. We have identified the following key priorities: 


Priority 1:  

To further develop the foundation subject curriculum so that it provides clear progression in learning and clarity about the knowledge and skills children need to learn year on year.


Priority 2: 

To embed and further improve progress rates and raise attainment in SPAG and reading through the consistent application of agreed strategies across the school


Priority 3: 

To ensure that the curriculum and provision in EYFS supports the development of learning, enabling all children to progress in their learning.  


Priority 4: 

To further support and strengthen the capacity amongst all staff, particularly those new to role, so that staff at all levels, including governors, are effective in their role leading to improved outcomes for pupils.
