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Walkeringham Primary School

Think Smart, Be Kind


Children will be sent spellings home each Monday, which they will be tested on the following Monday. When practising these spellings, please encourage your child to write them in a sentence.


School has also purchased a subscription to websites called Spelling Shed and Maths Shed. Your child will be given a unique login to allow them to access the games on the website.

Below is the link.



We read in class ever day: this may take the form of the teacher reading aloud a class text; reading within the English lesson; reading within other subject lessons or individual reading of children's own reading books. In addition to this, children using the Reading Plus program each day to develop their reading vocabulary, fluency and comprehension. They are encouraged to log on to do this at home too. The link to the website is below and the school code is 'rpwalkerin'.
